De-Risking Your Contract

De-risking the contract workshop
Navigating Contractual Risks: Strategies for Secure and Beneficial Agreements

Join our interactive eWorkshop, “Navigating Contractual Risks,” where we dive into the art of crafting secure and beneficial customer/supplier contracts. This session is packed with expert insights, practical tools, and proven strategies designed to empower you with the skills to identify, mitigate, and manage third-party risks effectively. Whether you’re looking to safeguard your interests or maximize gains, our workshop offers a comprehensive guide to transform your approach to contract management and ensure more secure and profitable agreements. Don’t miss this opportunity to become adept at turning potential losses into wins in the world of contracts!

What you will learn

This foundational workshop is tailored to enhance third-party risk management competencies. It is particularly suitable for:

    • Contracting professionals in strategic sourcing and procurement.
    • Account managers/leads.
    • Supply chain professionals.
    • Subject Matter Experts on both the buy-side and sell-side of customer/supplier relationships.

Key Learning Objectives:

  • Strategic Sourcing and Risk Management: Learn to connect strategic sourcing approaches to risk management, especially during post-award contract management phases.

  • Operational Risk Identification: Identify and address gaps in the Statement of Work/Technical Specification that may lead to operational risks.

  • Risk Mitigation through Contractual Terms: Develop skills to mitigate, manage, and control risks using contract Terms & Conditions.

  • Risk Monitoring Tools: Acquire the knowledge to develop a risk monitoring tool, or effectively utilize your organization’s existing tool to manage risks.

  • Contract Controls and Mitigation Strategies: Utilize contract controls and mitigation strategies to avoid or minimize risks and associated losses.

what you will learn in derisking the contract workshop
Why choose 3prm essentials workshop

Why Choose Our eWorkshop?

  • Expertly Designed Curriculum: This workshop offers a meticulously crafted curriculum, drawing upon the latest industry practices and insights from “The Contract Professional’s Playbook.” It’s designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of third-party risk management in the context of customer/supplier relationships.
  • Practical and Relevant Skills: We focus on imparting practical skills that can be immediately applied in your professional role. Whether you’re in strategic sourcing, procurement, supply chain management, or a subject matter expert, the workshop equips you with the tools to effectively identify, mitigate, and manage risks in real-world scenarios.
  • Interactive and Engaging Learning Experience: Our eWorkshop format isn’t just about lectures; it’s interactive, engaging, and hands-on. You’ll participate in exercises, case studies, and discussions, ensuring an immersive learning experience that reinforces key concepts.
  • Enhance Your Professional Value: By understanding and mastering the complexities of third-party risk management, you’ll become a more valuable asset to your organization. This workshop will not only boost your current skill set but also enhance your professional marketability and career growth prospects.
  • Long-term Organizational Benefits: The strategies and tools you learn will have a lasting impact on your organization. By improving risk management practices, you’ll contribute to reducing potential losses, strengthening operational resilience, and enhancing overall contractual outcomes.

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What Our Students Say​

derisking eworkshop testimonial
The De-Risking Your Contract workshop was enlightening. As a Procurement Manager, the skills I learned have been vital in managing our contracts more effectively. The instructors were knowledgeable, and the content was perfectly tailored for practical application. A great investment!

- Emma Johnson

derisking e-workshop testimonial
I found the De-Risking Your Contract eWorkshop to be incredibly impactful. It offered concise, actionable strategies that I applied immediately in my role as a Supply Chain Specialist. The workshop not only enhanced my skills but also boosted my confidence in handling complex contracts.

- Mohammad

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